Friday, May 27, 2011

Velociraptor via Paint

Today i was looking at tumblr and i was thinking, all these people are creating such marvelous things, i have to be able to create SOMETHING with the recources i have... so i opened paint and created this:
and then i edited it in and came up with two versions that i like:

...I may make shirts out of them...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Looking out each open door

As a college student it is natural for me to be looking into what i want to do with the rest of my life.  I have come up with some different ideas. 

But more recently i have come to realize that i could do ANYTHING I WANT if i were to put my mind to it.

Doors are open wide and I am looking around for the best one. (reminds me of a scene from monster's inc.)

It is going to take some insight and ingenuity but I think with a little work i can do anything i put my mind to!