Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Stress: treating the symptoms

In my previous post, I talked about how "stress-ers" are the disease, and stress is just the symptom.
Sometimes you need to treat symptoms till you can cure the disease, so here are some ideas of how to do just that:

Cleaning (I find sweeping/ scrubbing something to work best)

In home spa (get candles or a scented plug in if you can't have candles and take a bubble bath. Pamper yourself with a new hair style or do your nails)

( has ideas on hair)
Pop Balloons (This really does work, stepping on them works best.) or get yourself a balloon.  this always brightens my day

Spend time with friends

Accomplish something (the feeling of success is euphoric)

Listen to fun music

Look up and smile (just doing this action sends happiness chemicals into action)

Paint (wear a smock and get messy with it)

Take a nap

Do something inspiring

And I recommend prayer.  In each of these or any activities you do.  Prayer will make it so you get more out of the experience.

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