So in my developing world class, my teacher gave each student one dollar and gave us the assignment that by the end of the semester we need to find some way to help our country with that one dollar. The math behind this idea is rather sound. If you give each student one dollar and they are able to multiply that dollar in effect by putting it to the best use possible then you would have done far more good than if you had kept the dollar. You would have also educated them along the way as to the needs of that country.
In Indonesia they are having some huge difficulties. Especially with natural disasters and poverty in general. If the word got out...and people started using a dollar...not even just donating it (you could use it to gain an education, become a doctor and go serve there or you could use it to invest in struggling businesses.) Whatever you do, the only requirement is the betterment of that country.
I'm using mine as "cyber money" where I post online about the idea and encourage all my readers to do the same, and perhaps all it takes is an idea.
A dollar is not a huge investment for most people, however, it could mean the world to someone who makes less than a dollar a day. To someone who is starving that dollar could be the difference between life and death.
So think about it...where are your dollars going? and where could one of those dollars be best served on a global scale?
Personal Mission Statement: To use my talents and skills to make and achieve goals and succeed in creating a stable home environment.
Monday, December 12, 2011
cyber money,
Developing World,
exponential growth,
flat world,
global scale,
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Mission? Whatever happened to that idea?
So I am still planning on going, although I may have lost some of the initial momentum of the goal setting process, but I am still on the high road! I have been keeping to my budget and I have increased in my testimony.
I am not so much keeping to my exercise plan, although that will be more important when I go home for the holidays; currently I have been doing a lot of exercise just as a result of being a college student, but as I go home and no longer have the necessity to walk to classes and up and down stairs, I will need to re-implement my exercise plan.
I have been practicing the piano, and working with harder material, and it has been quite frustrating but I must stick it out. It will be worth it.
Overall It has created a sub-thread of self improvement in my life, while it is not at the forefront of my brain constantly, it still affects my decisions.
All Good Things Must Come to an End
As this semester comes to a close in the next couple weeks I have come to wonder, what have I really gained from the experience. At first I was inclined to believe that I had acquired very little from specific classes such as my I-comm class due to the revamping of the system and the chaos of transition and change. However, after filling out my evaluation in which I was responsible for documenting what it was I really did in I-comm, I realized I have gained far more than I had initially realized.

- I have learned the basic workings of an Advertising agency.
- I have acquired real skills and real experience to put on a resume.
- I have increased in confidence and credibility.
- My networking has increased (although I would do better if I would actually carry around my buisiness cards.)
- My social media and marketing knowledge has increased.
- My awareness of the world in general has changed and grown.
I am sure I have learned more, but that is what comes to mind. I feel as though I have learned much, but I could have learned more. (Isn't that the way of things) I have this desire to throw myself at projects but my projects are winding down, so that would be less than effective. Thus I must begin, once again, to look to the future, by assessing my current goals and reevaluating my direction. I AM SO READY FOR THIS!!!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Fun and Games
This Week for Thanksgiving I spent the week with my family in Utah. My sister just had a baby (her fourth) and they are all so adorable! I was afraid Benny (now three) was going to grow up before I got to see him again (a little paranoia) and I was glad to see that he hasn't changed too drastically.
I loved the food and my family and I played lots of games and watched movies. My little brother played video games and I realized, I don't really have the patience for them so much anymore... weird what age and responsibilities can do to a person.
Today Carly, My mother, and I all went shopping leisurely for her "birthday adventure" my mom gave her some money and she could spend it how she wanted...personally the best part was looking at all the odds and ends. I found some really cool things at the dollar store haha. I was really proud of myself however, I had my visa in my pocket and didn't purchase a thing even though I had money...but not for odds and ends.
I am currently going through a stage of self discovery. I am learning some things about myself that In ways would have been nice to know a while back. In others, however it is just nice to know them now.
This Thanksgiving season inclines me to make a list of things I am grateful for:
- My Savior, Jesus Christ
- The Atonement
- The Scriptures
- Prayer
- My Family
- My Friends & Room mates
- My Schooling
- My Talents
- My Singing Voice
- My Piano Playing
- My Knitting
- My Limited Sewing knowlege
- My Cooking
- My Writing
- My Drawing
- Literacy
- Food to Eat
- Home to Shelter me From Frigid Idaho Winters
- Blankets
- Sweaters, and other things to keep me warm.
- Clean water to Drink
- Warm Water to Wash in
- Computers
- Books
Saturday, November 19, 2011
I'm one of those people!
What I learned this semester, the most valuable lesson I gained, was about my self worth.
I learned that my entire life I have been suffering from serious self image issues and didn't even know it.
It has affected my behavior in negative ways for as long as I can remember.
I remember in high school, everyone saying that the cute girls think they're fat and...blah blah blah.
I remember thinking "that is so true...but that doesn't apply to me because I really am fat."
I have realized however, that although it wouldn't be unhealthy to lose weight, I am not "Fat" or ugly or...whatever.
I've realized that I may not look good in a bikini, but who cares? I look really good in jeans and a nice shirt.
This realization had to come from me. I learned about my own self worth and now I am able to begin recovery.
A bad image is like a drug... addictive, judgement impairing, damaging and resolvable.
The cure is the same...first you have to acknowledge you have a problem and then....fix it!
I am really amazed at what a good perspective can do to a person's life!
I learned that my entire life I have been suffering from serious self image issues and didn't even know it.
It has affected my behavior in negative ways for as long as I can remember.
I remember in high school, everyone saying that the cute girls think they're fat and...blah blah blah.
I remember thinking "that is so true...but that doesn't apply to me because I really am fat."
I have realized however, that although it wouldn't be unhealthy to lose weight, I am not "Fat" or ugly or...whatever.
I've realized that I may not look good in a bikini, but who cares? I look really good in jeans and a nice shirt.
This realization had to come from me. I learned about my own self worth and now I am able to begin recovery.
A bad image is like a drug... addictive, judgement impairing, damaging and resolvable.
The cure is the same...first you have to acknowledge you have a problem and then....fix it!
I am really amazed at what a good perspective can do to a person's life!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
En Español!!!!
Yo quiero escribir en español. Por que? No sé en realmente. Me gusta la langua de español mucho! Y la langua francaís tambien. Yo quiero aprender la langua de francaís mucho… para todo del tiempo que poder acordarse.
Hoy es una día muy bien! Porque yo no tengo que completar mucho tarea! Pero yo tengo mucho tarea antes de la vacacion yo creo. QUE TRISTE!!!!
Lo siento para los errores de escribir, es mi primero en español!
Goals...why are they so difficult!
So I've only been working on my goal for a week and already I have not met up to my own expectations...
I haven't kept to my preset sleeping patterns
I haven't done....several of my check list goals
I guess i just have to take comfort in the progress I have made, In reading my scriptures and praying more fervently
Having a different spirit about me
and being more sensitive about the influences around me
I guess it only makes sense that i wouldn't change overnight...
Analyzing like an Analyzer
I just read an article in about Singing like a Singer, by Wendy Richmond, a visual designer and writer, about how she attempted to sing along with one of her favorite songs like she was actually a singer, and she learned things that had never before occurred to her, in the many times prior, listening to this song.
I find that any time you try to change your perspective, you learn new things. If you are upset with a room mate, sibling, spouse, or co-worker, but then genuinely try to see things from their point of view, you learn a little bit of how their brain works. You learn their motivations and desires.
The more you learn, the more varied your perspective is. It's like "the cow principle" in Econ:
Once you see the cow you will always see the cow (your perspective is changed forever).
Now you can choose to ignore it, and look at what looks like a fence behind the cow once you have seen it, but you know the cow is there.
Similarly with advertising, once you know the principle you can't help but look at commercials and think, "they're using this principle." One example for me is fast food logos. Many of them are red due to color theory: red psychologically and subconsciously makes people hungrier.
Or with statistics, once you learn basic principles you become more wary of ambiguous statistics.
Or with music once you know what a final cadence sounds like you are apt to notice when it is used.
Basically this principle applies to every aspect of life. Perspective is everything!
I find that any time you try to change your perspective, you learn new things. If you are upset with a room mate, sibling, spouse, or co-worker, but then genuinely try to see things from their point of view, you learn a little bit of how their brain works. You learn their motivations and desires.
The more you learn, the more varied your perspective is. It's like "the cow principle" in Econ:
Now you can choose to ignore it, and look at what looks like a fence behind the cow once you have seen it, but you know the cow is there.
Similarly with advertising, once you know the principle you can't help but look at commercials and think, "they're using this principle." One example for me is fast food logos. Many of them are red due to color theory: red psychologically and subconsciously makes people hungrier.
Or with statistics, once you learn basic principles you become more wary of ambiguous statistics.
Or with music once you know what a final cadence sounds like you are apt to notice when it is used.
Basically this principle applies to every aspect of life. Perspective is everything!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Extra! Extra! .....extra what?
As I study Indonesia it is really interesting how often it gets hit by natural disasters. I see: floods, earthquakes, and volcano eruptions. As I think of the poverty goals, I think "no wonder so many are in poverty" they are plagued by natural disasters!
Floods deplete fresh water stores and volcanoes get ash into the water, even though it makes the soil more fertile, it burns the crops already existent, and earthquakes destroy buildings and other structures.
It also causes panic, and forces populaces out of the work places for a time period.
I wonder what could be done...

Floods deplete fresh water stores and volcanoes get ash into the water, even though it makes the soil more fertile, it burns the crops already existent, and earthquakes destroy buildings and other structures.
It also causes panic, and forces populaces out of the work places for a time period.
I wonder what could be done...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
A Slightly Unsettling Notion....Every Time
I have once again realized that I am in almost no way prepared for "the real world."
This concept has frightened me since I was younger, but as the time nears I find that although I continue to acquire new skills, I am altogether unqualified for anything I might attempt.
I don't have the knowledge to enter any new fields.
(I thought that is what college was supposed to prepare you for.)
I suppose I shall have to work harder outside of my regular courses to find the experiences that will prepare me for "life in the jungles of reality."
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Just a little bit, just a little bit of....progress

Last night I went to bed earlier than I otherwise would, but still relatively late.
I changed my desktop background to spiritual pictures.
read more scriptures
kept the health code a little more.
and prayed more
I read in Leviticus yesterday (I'm taking an Old Testament class) and I was learning about the sacrifices and especially about their Kosher laws. Its a little bit difficult to follow, but as I read it occurred to me that perhaps because they didn't have all the technologies we do today, it was a law to protect them physically. All the animals that they were not allowed to eat, are more prone to disease or giving viruses, and without the proper treatment with modern sciences they were unsafe. This is further evidence that as we obey God's law we will be blessed. He protected them and now gives us laws to protect us.
Monday, November 7, 2011
I hope they call me on a mission!
I have decided that I am going to prepare to go on a mission for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints.
I am so excited!
I've started keeping a schedule,
I made a budget
I played the piano (they need piano players sometimes)
researched the qualifications,
I already have my wisdom teeth out ;)
(mind you I can't even go for another two years)
I believe, however, that deciding to prepare for a mission could possibly be the best decision I have made yet!
I shall keep posting about my progress!
(wish me luck!)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
It is amazing how relevant my major is in my life! I get to utilize skills I learn just fiddling with my computer, using Power Points, making videos, news breifs, and other skills.
Right now I am really excited about what I am learning in my Developing World class.
I am learning about Indonesia specifically, and how development affects it. We are learning about world poverty and what different cultures are trying to do about it.
We are focusing on current events and I am learning about the floods that are currently engulfing the nation.
I am also learning about the procedures of an advertising agency as I put it into practice in the I-comm agency. We are working on a campaign for the Police and the School Library.
So, basically my life is crazy but I am enjoying it thoroughly. (Once my head stops spinning.)
Right now I am really excited about what I am learning in my Developing World class.
I am learning about Indonesia specifically, and how development affects it. We are learning about world poverty and what different cultures are trying to do about it.
We are focusing on current events and I am learning about the floods that are currently engulfing the nation.
I am also learning about the procedures of an advertising agency as I put it into practice in the I-comm agency. We are working on a campaign for the Police and the School Library.
So, basically my life is crazy but I am enjoying it thoroughly. (Once my head stops spinning.)
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
New Social Media
It is interesting, how deep my generation is entrenched into the internet without knowing how and the effects that follow.
For example when Facebook recently changed the format one of my acquaintances was outraged that anyone could look up the information they post on Facebook. They had been using the internet not realizing that it was a global network the entire time.
Another example is a friend of mine when trying to consider my preference to not be exposed to some of his interests decided to create a sub blog for such content. However he didn't realize that the sub content shows on the home blog.
The world is changing we need to be aware of the consequences of our actions off and online.
For example when Facebook recently changed the format one of my acquaintances was outraged that anyone could look up the information they post on Facebook. They had been using the internet not realizing that it was a global network the entire time.
Another example is a friend of mine when trying to consider my preference to not be exposed to some of his interests decided to create a sub blog for such content. However he didn't realize that the sub content shows on the home blog.
The world is changing we need to be aware of the consequences of our actions off and online.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Just Listening
I'm beginning to take Socrates ideas of finding truth to heart. He believed that by deliberating with his fellow man he could come to truth. I believe that just by listening you can come to truth. People love to talk about themselves, their ideas, their days, their personality, their life and everyone has a unique spin, perspective and philosophy. So when you listen it broadens your horizons tyo things you may have never considered. I have found that most of the answers (lately) that I have been looking for came out of the mouths of people who were pondering just like me. With millions, and even billions of people in the world, we don't need to seek knowledge with blinders on, that would defeat the purpose.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Oh you're not hardcore....UNLESS YOU LIVE HARDCORE!
The best way to wake up is with an EPICALLY AMAZING song stuck in your head...
This morning it was this song from school of rock
And i was just thinking
Although the movie is fantastic and hilarious....its just too awkward too sit through all of it...
i love it for the music..."teacher's pet" is probably my favorite...despite some choice words that i would never use...
because all through out school i kinda was the teacher's's not hard in lower end classes, just do your homework and the teachers love you
I kind of had a Hermione Granger complex in middle school
I wanted to be Hermione so i took on her persona...
and funny enough it has helped me a lot in life since, having absorbed more information,
I can now use that information for day to day life
So I guess this is just further evidence that the human race is crazy...
but I believe life is more fun that way...
Monday, August 22, 2011
So I've been writing my own songs.
I've been trying to write enough to put on a CD.
(so about 10)
I have about three right now....
but! i found something that might help me in my lyric composition!
You see, i find that when i am trying to write lyrics i can't think of good rhymes that convey what i wish...But with this new found website I can rhyme with increased ease!
For the person who finds that although thesauruses are great when trying to think of synonyms whilst writing a paper, they are not helpful at all when writing poetry or music
Thus I am thrilled with my new find.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Drowning in Birthday Cake
With another birthday come and gone, I am once more faced with the concept of growing up and becoming wholly independent. (The fact that I got no birthday cake says it all haha.)
Ever since I was little, I understood that one day I would become a "grown up" and bear responsibility for myself. Now that that time has come and the weight is shifting more and more from my parents shoulders to my own, I cannot help but feel that I am essentially drowning in responsibility.
The world is a very scary and intimidating place, with bills and job searches and education and...well either you get it already or you will.
I decided there are two main things that an adult needs to feel more confident in being an adult.
1.Learn to drive...get a licence
2.get a job so you know that you can support yourself
Unfortunately the whole driving thing continues to elude me...I suppose it comes with practice and persistence.
Ever since I was little, I understood that one day I would become a "grown up" and bear responsibility for myself. Now that that time has come and the weight is shifting more and more from my parents shoulders to my own, I cannot help but feel that I am essentially drowning in responsibility.
The world is a very scary and intimidating place, with bills and job searches and education and...well either you get it already or you will.
I decided there are two main things that an adult needs to feel more confident in being an adult.
1.Learn to drive...get a licence
2.get a job so you know that you can support yourself
Unfortunately the whole driving thing continues to elude me...I suppose it comes with practice and persistence.
Monday, August 1, 2011
What Makes One Educated?
What is it that makes someone educated?
is it running around flashing a badge of education whilst speaking in a British accent and looking through a monocle?
I think perhaps it is.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Ah the life of a college student...
So i am packing once again...which seems to happen a lot when you are going away to college...whoo!!!
I did pretty good on my grades which I am quite stoaked about. Now its time to rest and recouperate so i can dive right back in in a couple of weeks. I do wish that i had enough time to get a job between terms but that is an impossibility. I'll just have to wait for my next break.
I plan to do some more video blogs and read some books...stay somewhat unvegitablized.
I'm also hoping to make some pies, learn some new recipies...perfect some old ones and just overall learn new skills.
I feel kind of cool because I am relearning how to crochet. (its kind of like knitting with one hooked needle instead of two strait needles)
Yay Summer!!!
I did pretty good on my grades which I am quite stoaked about. Now its time to rest and recouperate so i can dive right back in in a couple of weeks. I do wish that i had enough time to get a job between terms but that is an impossibility. I'll just have to wait for my next break.
I plan to do some more video blogs and read some books...stay somewhat unvegitablized.
I'm also hoping to make some pies, learn some new recipies...perfect some old ones and just overall learn new skills.
I feel kind of cool because I am relearning how to crochet. (its kind of like knitting with one hooked needle instead of two strait needles)
Yay Summer!!!
Video speaks for itself haha
I'm kind of really excited about this new project i'm trying!
I'm kind of really excited about this new project i'm trying!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Harry Potter
With the end of the Harry Potter series, I have been wondering what will life be like now that continents no longer have this common bond. I don't know. However, I am excited to begin referencing the "old" series the way older generations talk about the 80's or something. Perhaps our generation will be called the "Potter" generation. I wouldn't mind that so much, its better than the misconcieved "apathetic generation" label that has followed my generation. Many who belong to my generation have already done great things, or begun to do great things in our lives. (I mean really, we read 7 harry potter books for starters...ha ha) With the Harry Potter thing though... i guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it...which for many is tonight!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Interpersonal relations
People are facinating. Depending on background, or genetics you get all sorts of different personalities and mannerisms.
One i find facinating is when people focus so definitely on one idea that they can't think about anything else untill that idea is vocallized, technically you could call this the "one track mind." When you are talking to them, they talk so much that you have time to over think your statements before they take a breath and you get a five second sound bit in.
Anouther is just the oposite, they are focusing on so many things at once it is hard to get them to focus on any one thing.
I suppose you could chalk this up to quality vs quantity of focus, most people are somewhere in the middle.
To an observer extremes are facinating.
Having worked with both I have come to find a couple ideas on how to deal with this.
-sometimes you just have to interupt...if your purpose is important enough
-when you are working toward something and a group is off track, sometimes repeating the goal, or question will grab their attention. You will find that those paying attention to you will increase exponentially as you repeat it more, untill you hit the point of diminishing marginal returns or the apex of annoyance in this scenario.
-sometimes just waiting works
no matter what you do interpersonal relations will enrich your life and keep you from becomming a robot.
One i find facinating is when people focus so definitely on one idea that they can't think about anything else untill that idea is vocallized, technically you could call this the "one track mind." When you are talking to them, they talk so much that you have time to over think your statements before they take a breath and you get a five second sound bit in.
Anouther is just the oposite, they are focusing on so many things at once it is hard to get them to focus on any one thing.
I suppose you could chalk this up to quality vs quantity of focus, most people are somewhere in the middle.
To an observer extremes are facinating.
Having worked with both I have come to find a couple ideas on how to deal with this.
-sometimes you just have to interupt...if your purpose is important enough
-when you are working toward something and a group is off track, sometimes repeating the goal, or question will grab their attention. You will find that those paying attention to you will increase exponentially as you repeat it more, untill you hit the point of diminishing marginal returns or the apex of annoyance in this scenario.
-sometimes just waiting works
no matter what you do interpersonal relations will enrich your life and keep you from becomming a robot.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
My latest project has been to conquer my 4 yr graduation plan. So far I've been working on it on and off for three weeks. I made a HUGE break through today... i don't have to take 25 credits worth of math credit prerequisites for one of my classes...which is nice. I can pick one of six instead of needing all of them.
So i have it pretty figured out, except i found a new tool, not a easy as the one i used (excel) but its connected to the school web site so... it has more, legit information. so i was working on it...
...but i think maybe its time to call in the professionals and go to the advisors to double check my work and make sure i'm not taking unnecessary classes.
So i have it pretty figured out, except i found a new tool, not a easy as the one i used (excel) but its connected to the school web site so... it has more, legit information. so i was working on it...
...but i think maybe its time to call in the professionals and go to the advisors to double check my work and make sure i'm not taking unnecessary classes.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Velociraptor via Paint
Today i was looking at tumblr and i was thinking, all these people are creating such marvelous things, i have to be able to create SOMETHING with the recources i have... so i opened paint and created this:
and then i edited it in and came up with two versions that i like:
and then i edited it in and came up with two versions that i like:
...I may make shirts out of them...
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Looking out each open door
As a college student it is natural for me to be looking into what i want to do with the rest of my life. I have come up with some different ideas.
But more recently i have come to realize that i could do ANYTHING I WANT if i were to put my mind to it.
Doors are open wide and I am looking around for the best one. (reminds me of a scene from monster's inc.)
It is going to take some insight and ingenuity but I think with a little work i can do anything i put my mind to!
But more recently i have come to realize that i could do ANYTHING I WANT if i were to put my mind to it.
Doors are open wide and I am looking around for the best one. (reminds me of a scene from monster's inc.)
It is going to take some insight and ingenuity but I think with a little work i can do anything i put my mind to!
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