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(this picture is probably historically inaccurate but it is a great image of the Standard of Liberty and Captain Moroni)
where it talks about if all men were like unto Moroni, Hell itself would be closed...
I want to be like that.
So I decided I'm going to study Moroni. I looked him up in the index and Captain Moroni first appears in chapter 43. So in the first 24 verses, which is as far as i got I made some observations.
Captain Moroni:
1. It says in Alma 43:17 that he took command
when he was 25. I feel this is
significant but I’m not quite sure how yet.
a. Ambitious?
b. Close to my age?
2. Verse 19 says that he prepared his people
with breast plates and other defensive armor.
a. This scared the lamanites.
b. This could be a metaphor for spiritual armor.
c. It says that he prepared his men.
i. How do I apply this. It means I need to help someone… but who
3. Moroni sent spies after the opposing army.
a. Didn’t depend on might.
b. Even when he was winning he didn’t get cocky.
c. Gaining knowledge was important.
4. Sent men to the prophet to seek counsel about
the armies.
a. Had a plan and then asked for more help.
b. Knew where his strength came from.
c. Again, this shows humility.
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