So in my developing world class, my teacher gave each student one dollar and gave us the assignment that by the end of the semester we need to find some way to help our country with that one dollar. The math behind this idea is rather sound. If you give each student one dollar and they are able to multiply that dollar in effect by putting it to the best use possible then you would have done far more good than if you had kept the dollar. You would have also educated them along the way as to the needs of that country.
In Indonesia they are having some huge difficulties. Especially with natural disasters and poverty in general. If the word got out...and people started using a dollar...not even just donating it (you could use it to gain an education, become a doctor and go serve there or you could use it to invest in struggling businesses.) Whatever you do, the only requirement is the betterment of that country.
I'm using mine as "cyber money" where I post online about the idea and encourage all my readers to do the same, and perhaps all it takes is an idea.
A dollar is not a huge investment for most people, however, it could mean the world to someone who makes less than a dollar a day. To someone who is starving that dollar could be the difference between life and death.
So think about it...where are your dollars going? and where could one of those dollars be best served on a global scale?