Friday, August 26, 2011

Oh you're not hardcore....UNLESS YOU LIVE HARDCORE!

The best way to wake up is with an EPICALLY AMAZING song stuck in your head...
This morning it was this song from school of rock
And i was just thinking
Although the movie is fantastic and hilarious....its just too awkward too sit through all of it...
i love it for the music..."teacher's pet" is probably my favorite...despite some choice words that i would never use...
because all through out school i kinda was the teacher's's not hard in lower end classes, just do your homework and the teachers love you

I kind of had a Hermione Granger complex in middle school
I wanted to be Hermione so i took on her persona...
and funny enough it has helped me a lot in life since, having absorbed more information,
I can now use that information for day to day life
So I guess this is just further evidence that the human race is crazy...
but I believe life is more fun that way...

Monday, August 22, 2011

loved this quote


So I've been writing my own songs.
I've been trying to write enough to put on a CD.
(so about 10)
I have about three right now....
but! i found something that might help me in my lyric composition!
You see, i find that when i am trying to write lyrics i can't think of good rhymes that convey what i wish...But with this new found website I can rhyme with increased ease!
For the person who finds that although thesauruses are great when trying to think of synonyms whilst writing a paper, they are not helpful at all when writing poetry or music
Thus I am thrilled with my new find. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Drowning in Birthday Cake

With another birthday come and gone, I am once more faced with the concept of growing up and becoming wholly independent. (The fact that I got no birthday cake says it all haha.)

Ever since I was little, I understood that one day I would become a "grown up" and bear responsibility for myself.  Now that that time has come and the weight is shifting more and more from my parents shoulders to my own, I cannot help but feel that I am essentially drowning in responsibility.

The world is a very scary and intimidating place, with bills and job searches and education and...well either you get it already or you will.

I decided there are two main things that an adult needs to feel more confident in being an adult.
1.Learn to drive...get a licence

2.get a job so you know that you can support yourself

Unfortunately the whole driving thing continues to elude me...I suppose it comes with practice and persistence.

Monday, August 1, 2011

What Makes One Educated?

What is it that makes someone educated?
is it running around flashing a badge of education whilst speaking in a British accent and  looking through a monocle?

I think perhaps it is.